Underway with 2023 Jazz Café dates

Thought we’d share some feedback after our first 2023 gig on February 18… Quelques commentaires après le gig du 18 février… Taken together, they really do underline how much Café customers are enjoying the authentic Jazz Café experience. Also they bear out our commitment to standards in both French and English!

Nous avons bien aimé votre nouveau répertoire, Jonasz, Nougaro…Nous notons les dates des futurs concerts. C’est vrai que dehors cela doit être bien sympa.

We so enjoy the Jazzpots, especially in surroundings, such as French bars/restaurants, on terraces, it just always feels so sophisticated and stylish.

All your dates are already in our diary, we will definitely be attending those we can.

I certainly enjoyed myself yesterday, both the concert and the meal, not to mention the “English-speaking diaspora” !

We really enjoyed the music, and the ambiance.

My husband has been asking this morning who designed the poster as he thinks it’s really good – so do I.

We thoroughly enjoyed the jazz session on Saturday! We were delighted to be there! So looking forward to many more!