The Jazzpots, 2022 Season

Trio Jazzpots – Jean-Paul, Keith et Ken…

Pour les dates de 2023, cliquez – toutes les dates de Jazzpots 2023…

The Jazzpots’ 2022 autumn season continues at the Café Parisien in Saulieu (and elsewhere), with regular dates through October and November and on to the end of year with two special festive dates over the December holiday season! Breaking news – we have now added a Xmas date at Café du Nord in Arnay-le-Duc on Friday 16 December, at 19h.00 for a special end of year soirée!

The Saulieu dates are Saturdays from 10.30 to 12.45 on October 8, November 5 and 19 and December 10. On 24 December, our show will be extended and Xmas-flavoured, running from 10.30 to 13.30, with a guest appearance from Robin Martini! Then on New Year’s Eve, our special show will feature an early apéro spot with The Jazzpots from 16.30 to 19.00 – followed at 19.00 by a special concert from Paul Stephenson of Stockfisch records fame on a lightning visit to Burgundy from Geneva!

Dates d’automne…25 septembre, Fête du Terroir à Châteauneuf … vers midi. Fêtez l’automne et ses bons produits locaux ! Marchés de producteurs et d’artisans locaux qui privilégient le respect de l’environnement.

It’s all change on the Jazzpots team: we welcome Jean-Paul as our new bassist. Our 30-song repertoire now not only encompasses classics from the Great American Songbook but a dozen well-known, well loved French classics too. All arranged and played in our inimitable jazz-style.

…A flavour of Trio Jazzpots…

And here’s a flavour of the materials we are performing… Chansons de Trenet, Salvador, Jonasz, Biolay, Jobim, Mancini, Mercer, Rodgers & Hammerstein etc Songs include: La Vie en Rose, Petite Fleur, C’est Si Bon, La Mer, Les Feuilles Mortes, Que Reste-t-il, Jardin d’Hiver, Foggy Day, Green Dolphin Street, Girl from Ipanema, Cheek to Cheek, Night and Day, On the Street Where You Live, Only Trust Your Heart… etc

We’re kicking off the 2022 season with two dates at Jean-Marc’s wonderful cultural centre (and café!!) – the Café Parisien in Saulieu. Saturday is market day and the vibe is always warm and welcoming. The Jazzpots are playing from 11.00 on the terrace – and on selected Saturdays across the summer months. Join us there for an authentic Jazz Café lunch! All confirmed Jazzpots dates are listed below…

Date à noter: samedi le 16 avril, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00, Easter Saturday! Sur la terrace…

Date à noter: samedi le 23 avril, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

Date à noter: samedi, le 14 mai, Café du Nord, Arnay-le-Duc, midi à 14.00!

Date à noter: samedi le 11 juin, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

Date à noter: dimanche le 19 juin, au Château de Chailly, ‘Sunday Brunch’ à partir de 11.30…

Date à noter: dimanche le 3 juillet, FestivArnay, La Fête des Cours et Jardins, après-midi, à partir de 14.00

Date à noter: samedi le 9 juillet, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

Date à noter: samedi le 23 juillet, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

Date à noter; samedi le 27 août, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

Date à noter; samedi le 10 septembre, Café Parisien, Saulieu, à partir de 11.00. Sur la terrace…

More dates on their way soon…


On Wednesday 7 July 2021, the Jazzpots en duo are playing support to the Emmaüs Early-Summer Cake Sale (not a band as such, but a cake sale…). Jazz standards will be performed beneath a large ‘barnum’ while assembled folks go about their Emmaüs business and choose from the wide range of cakes available. Grand merci à Julien pour son soutien!

Vendredi le 9 juillet 2021, au Café du Nord, Arnay, à partir de 12.00. Les standards de jazz en français et anglais. Faut réserver !

Ken and Keith played a first Dijon date on 19 September 2020 as part of the European weekend de patrimoine – we thank our kind hosts Paul and Ann of the fab venue (Hotel Malateste, courtyard, tended gardens and everything) …and friends Jean-Marie and Martine-Claire who inveigled us onto the bill… The rain held off just long enough for the set, but not for the apéro. No on-stage booze either! Damn. More thanks to Mary for GPS and Beth for car reversing under pressure.

Ken and Keith played at the Café du Nord again (!) on Saturday 22 August from midday. The set featured even more French jazz standards than before (6). FYI the Café has the loudest coffee machine in Christendom. The gig follows on from an unusually successful gig there on Friday July 10 in a lowest of low-key gigs, set up in the corner of the salon and running through a selection of standards… Geoff, our star Jazzpots bass-player is languishing in Sydney and planning a European re-entry in April 2021, when it is devoutly hoped intercontinental flights will recommence!

The Jazzpots sprang out of The Flowerpots – and it’s true that the members pictured above bear an uncanny facial resemblance to three quarters of The Flowerpots. Here we are modelling our take on jazz clobber – Gauloise smokes are missing though.

So… if you are looking for atmospherics as guests arrive for your apéro, party or soirée, The Jazzpots can provide exactly that – ahead of The Flowerpots rocking your guests to the end of the evening!

Our repertoire includes classics from the American Songbook (recorded by the likes of Nat Cole, Sinatra, Tony Bennett et al), and French ballads (Charles Trenet, Yves Montand, Michel Jonasz) …

Contact us…

If you’d like to arrange a date for us to play your party, café or festival, please send us a note at: