September – five dates to stave off winter blues!

In addition to our residency gig at Café P in Saulieu (Saturday 9th from 10h30), we add an evening ‘do’ at Café du Nord in Arnay (16 September from 19h00)… Our first gig of the month is also our first gig in Autun: at Café Zupa Zupa (Friday September 8, from 11h00).. Our friend Gino has invited us back too for a second date before the weather closes in – Friday 22 September, from 11h30… And it is with great pleasure that we play at the Marché d’Automne up at Châteauneuf on Sunday 24th, also from 11h00 and right in front of la buvette (perfection!)! A busy old time of it then doing something that we love! Full details on the web pages! Would be lovely to see you there!