Fin d’année, 4 concerts!

We’re pleased to announce three Saturdays and one Sunday in December! Quatre dates en décembre: le 2, le 9 et le 16 – et bien sur le 31 Saint Sylvestre! Venez déguster avec nous les grands standards de jazz en français et anglais…

For details, see this page

September – five dates to stave off winter blues!

In addition to our residency gig at Café P in Saulieu (Saturday 9th from 10h30), we add an evening ‘do’ at Café du Nord in Arnay (16 September from 19h00)… Our first gig of the month is also our first gig in Autun: at Café Zupa Zupa (Friday September 8, from 11h00).. Our friend Gino has invited us back too for a second date before the weather closes in – Friday 22 September, from 11h30… And it is with great pleasure that we play at the Marché d’Automne up at Châteauneuf on Sunday 24th, also from 11h00 and right in front of la buvette (perfection!)! A busy old time of it then doing something that we love! Full details on the web pages! Would be lovely to see you there!

Jeudi le 20 avril, à 18h00

New date just added – vernissage at Maison Régionale des Arts de la Table, 2023 exposition: ‘Gourmandises Festives’! 15, rue Saint-Jacques 21230 Arnay-le-Duc!

Underway with 2023 Jazz Café dates

Thought we’d share some feedback after our first 2023 gig on February 18… Quelques commentaires après le gig du 18 février… Taken together, they really do underline how much Café customers are enjoying the authentic Jazz Café experience. Also they bear out our commitment to standards in both French and English!

Nous avons bien aimé votre nouveau répertoire, Jonasz, Nougaro…Nous notons les dates des futurs concerts. C’est vrai que dehors cela doit être bien sympa.

We so enjoy the Jazzpots, especially in surroundings, such as French bars/restaurants, on terraces, it just always feels so sophisticated and stylish.

All your dates are already in our diary, we will definitely be attending those we can.

I certainly enjoyed myself yesterday, both the concert and the meal, not to mention the “English-speaking diaspora” !

We really enjoyed the music, and the ambiance.

My husband has been asking this morning who designed the poster as he thinks it’s really good – so do I.

We thoroughly enjoyed the jazz session on Saturday! We were delighted to be there! So looking forward to many more!

New dates, now confirmed!

Check out new dates, now confirmed, for the coming months at the Café Parisien in Saulieu. First up is VERY SOON – Saturday the 18th February, when the Café rouses itself back into vibrant life after some weeks of hivernal slumber: la Grande Réouverture!!! See you there – we’re stoking up the Jazz engine from around 10h45, and hoping to sit down to a well-earned lunch around 13h00…

Bonne année / happy new year 2023!

On espère que vous avez passé une bonne fin d’année et que vous avez repris toutes vos forces pour 2023. The Jazzpots sont en train de répéter et perfectionner des nouvelles chansons, en français et anglais bien sur, et on sera de retour pour le weekend de Pâques, si pas avant! On planifie les dates aussi, et on les publiera aussitôt que possible!

Hope your end-of-year passed off well and that you’re recharging your batteries for 2023. The Jazzpots are currently rehearsing new songs, planning dates – and we’re looking to begin our concerts again around Easter time. We’ll post details of all of these on our Home Pages as soon as they’re finalised!

4 Jazzpots dates in December 2022

Four dates upcoming in December…

10 décembre, Café Parisien, Saulieu, 10h30 to 12h45

16 décembre, Café du Nord, 19h00

24 décembre, Café Parisien, 10h30 to 13h30

31 décembre, Café Parisien, 16h30 à 20h00, avec notre copain Paul Stephenson en concert à 19.00

Stockfisch studio, Nordheim, Germany